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2022 Nov 25 Liberty Moms with host Kris Kimball
Kris Kimball interviews Loy Brunson, who has filed 3 lawsuits with his brothers against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and 385 members of our US Congress. Case # 22-380 Raland J Brunson (petitioner) v. Alma S Adams et. al. (respondents). This case is currently on the docket for the Supreme Court of the United States for Nov. 23, 2022. Listen to learn how we can have a new President and Vice President as well as replace 385 members of our current congress, simply because they violated their oath of office when they voted against a proceeding to investigate election fraud in the Nov. 2020 election. God’s hand has been in this process to move this into a place where we the people can restore the power back to the people and hold our elected officials accountable. To learn more visit www.7discoveries.com and www.supremecourt.gov case #22-380 Help us get the word out, please share this podcast with your family and friends.