21. From big law to owner of an all-female law firm with amber Russell
Powerhouse Lawyers, welcome Amber Russell to the show! As a powerhouse in her own right, Amber tells us the story of how she went from being a young associate in big law to founder of a woman owned and operated firm [12:47]. Amber’s experience teaches us to pivot until you get it right! Lawyers often get stuck on the hamster wheel of life, it’s time to get off! [19:46]Her law firm is changing the game for women in the field by prioritizing time in AND out of the office [22:14] and being the example of what it looks like to leave the window of opportunity open [29:11]. Amber Russell’s firm built pathways for women practicing law now and in the future through her SOAR Scholarship [35:13]. We end the show learning about Amber’s superpower and big advice to the younger lawyer version of herself [45:32]. Closing [48:52]Burnout and overwhelm may be a part of your everyday life, but it doesn't have to be! Here are five action steps that helped me crawl my way out of the weeds of life and into building the life I wanted and knew I deserved. Eliminate overwhelm in life AND law, now!
https://www.eringerner.com/eli....minating-overwhelmPo Lawyer Retreat February 2024:
https://www.eringerner.com/pow....erhouse-lawyers-retr connected with Erin Gerner
Website https://www.eringerner.com/
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-gerner/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/erin.w.gerner
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eringerner/?hl=enConnect with Amber Russell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-russell-loar/
Website: https://loartexas.com/
SOAR Scholarship https://loartexas.com/soar