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#256 Unconditional Love: Having A Transgender and Non-Binary Child with Rachele Stoops
Embarking on a Journey of Resilience and Transformation with Rachele Stoops. Step into the home of our next guest, Rachele Stoops, located on the eastern side of Lincoln, Nebraska. As she welcomes us, her little Chihuahua, Cecil, nestled in her arms, adds an adorable touch to our podcast recording.Born in Wichita, Rachele's life took a significant turn at the age of three when her father's pursuit of the ministry led their family to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Over the years, her father dedicated himself to studying and ministering as a pastor, building his career and gaining valuable experience. When it was time for school, Rachele returned to Sioux Falls and clung tightly to her childhood dream of being part of a performing traveling show crew, a dream that was fostered by her small performance college in the area.At the young age of 20, Rachele found herself getting married and expecting a child. In order to make ends meet, she returned to her parents, taking on various small jobs. However, a pivotal moment in her life occurred in 2014 when she became an English and theater teacher. It was during this time that she remarried and found her life partner, someone who shared her vision and joined her in the daily grind of building a safe and nurturing environment for their family.Rachele's journey of self-discovery and healing took an unexpected turn as she recently confronted her past experiences of molestation at the tender age of eight. Reflecting on the profound impact it had on her life, she also immersed herself in LGBTQ+ political activities happening across the country. While the pain associated with these experiences lingers, Rachele finds solace in being a pillar of support and love for her two children—one who identifies as transgender and the other as non-binary.As she reaches yet another turning point in her life, this fall marks the start of a new chapter for Rachele. She has been given the privilege to open a new high school in Lincoln, where she will serve as the head of the theater department and an English teacher. This opportunity allows her to continue pursuing her passion and make a lasting impact on the lives of young individuals.Join Rachele, Cecil the Chihuahua, Ken, and The Jar as we delve into Rachele's extraordinary life, traversing through her triumphs, challenges, and moments of profound growth and transformation. Prepare to be inspired by her resilience, touched by her unwavering love for her family, and captivated by the power of her storytelling.For more of Rachele, check out: https://www.cecilcaboose.com/ For more of The Jar, visit:Website: https://www.thejar.live/Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTqB1dhDvl0Oh505ysdxTgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcast.thejarInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejar_podcast/Disclaimer: The views stated in this episode are our guest's opinions and do not represent the views, beliefs or opinions of The Jar Podcast. Our goal is to provide a platform for everyone no matter what they believe, and we would like to continue to do that while making it clear our guests are not a representation of The Jar Podcast.