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27 Questions Women Are Afraid To Ask? Part 1 - Dad Jokes - Mental Health
What are 27 Questions Women Are Afraid To Ask You?In this first episode of this 3 part series, I tell you my answers to 10 more questions women want to ask men.Are you a Mum or a dad?Do you want some 1-1 support?If you want to see if I can help, support or keep you accountable for something you're trying to achieve, click this link to book a free, non-pushy, "I promise" zoom chat. https://calendly.com/dadmindmatters/15minTo sign up for my monthly newsletter, email me at mydadmissions@gmail.comAbout this ChannelHello, I'm James & in 2014, I was an overwhelmed husband & father of 3. After nearly 10 yrs, lots of setbacks & enough coffee to sink a small ship, I’m much happier. I'm also on a mission to help other men be the best dads they can be without losing their minds.On the channel, you’ll learn practical & actionable ways to deal with things such as toddler tantrums, passive-aggressive partners & how to get more happiness into your life. Are you struggling? Well, you're not alone in how you're feeling. In this Dad Mind Matters community, you will find a place where hopefully, you’ll see that you're doing much better than anyone, including you, is giving you credit for.This channel is for any dads who feel overwhelmed by their new/existing responsibilities & feel their mental health is on a slow & silent decline. It's also for men who often feel like they’re in the doghouse but don’t know why. If you’re ready to become the happier, more confident family man you deserve to be, hit "FOLLOW."WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL?1) If you'd like a free digital copy of my book "First Time Dad" Please click this link.https://drive.google.com/drive..../folders/1swrjwHD4qP would only ask for an honest review of it on Amazon once you've checked it out.https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/173932160X2) If you'd rather listen to my podcast, you can find Dad Mind Matters on Apple Podcasts Or Spotify or via this link.https://podfollow.com/16531380463) Finally, potentially most helpful, if you think my efforts deserve a cup of coffee, you can buy me one here. Please let me know if you do so I can thank you.James Macdonald is creating podcasts to help men safely navigate family life (buymeacoffee.com)https://www.buymeacoffee.com/DadMindMatters