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292: Why Managers Need Cultural Intelligence (And How to Develop It) with Loren Rosario-Maldonado
What comes to mind when you think about culture? Most of us believe that culture is related to national origin and ethnicity, but culture is so much more than that.
We may live in the same country, and yet it’s not uncommon to have different cultural preferences that influence how we show up at work and in life. And when we aren’t aware of these cultural differences, it can lead to awkward or frustrating situations and occasionally disastrous moments.
For managers, developing cultural intelligence is vital in understanding ourselves and our teams and fostering better connections at work. So, how do managers develop cultural intelligence?
Today’s guest is Loren Rosario-Maldonado. Loren has dedicated over 25 years to leadership coaching, change management, and cultural intelligence. Her unique ability to create human-centered workplace experiences and build high-performing teams has transformed organizations and solidified her reputation as an industry trailblazer. Her latest book, Becoming the Change: The Power of Cultural Intelligence, is a testament to her commitment to fostering cultural diversity and personal growth.
Loren and I talk about cultural intelligence–what it is, how it differs from emotional intelligence, and how it shows up at work. She also explains the importance of cultural intelligence and how it impacts us in the workplace. Lastly, she shares plenty of tips and insightful stories to help you improve your cultural intelligence and so much more.
Join the conversation now!
Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.Conversation Topics(00:00) Intro(02:55) What is cultural intelligence?(04:36) Common misconceptions about culture(08:23) Understanding time, relationship-building, and emotional expression from different cultural perspectives(20:52) The essence of cultural intelligence(25:25) How to initiate a conversation about cultural differences in the workplace, particularly when power dynamics are involved(30:00) A great manager Loren has worked for(30:57) Keep up with Loren(32:19) [Extended Episode Only] How to navigate workplace conflict using cultural intelligence(38:12) [Extended Episode Only] Is it enough for teams to set norms to overcome cultural differences when addressing conflict?
Additional Resources:
- Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month- Read the full transcript here- Follow me on Instagram here - Visit my website for more here
Keep up with Loren Rosario-Maldonado
- Follow her on LinkedIn here- Learn more about cultural intelligence here- Get a copy of Loren’s book Becoming The Change here
Win a Copy of Becoming The Change
Two Members can win a copy of “Becoming the Change: The Power of Cultural Intelligence” by Loren Rosario-Maldonado. A compelling guide that unlocks the secrets to thriving in our increasingly globalized society, this book is a treasure trove of insights for anyone eager to navigate diverse cultural landscapes with ease and empathy.
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