#31 Master AI in Your Small Business: Secrets that Drive Growth and Efficiency - with Sue Pitts

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Have you heard these myths about leveraging AI for small businesses? Let's debunk them and uncover the truth! 
Myth #1: AI is only for large corporations with big budgets. 
Myth #2: Implementing AI requires technical expertise and is too complex for small businesses. 
Myth #3: AI will replace human workers and lead to job losses. But fear not! My guest, Susan Pitts, shares the truth about how small businesses can leverage AI for growth and innovation. Get ready to discover the real potential of AI and how it can transform your business!
Topics we cover in this episode:  Discover tips you can use right now when trying AI in your small businesses. Get acquainted with groundbreaking AI tools like Chat GPT, Calendly, and smart data analysis. Recognize the significance of embracing AI for data-driven decision-making and how it revitalizes the work ecosystem. We talk about critical ethical aspects, including plagiarism, privacy, and the potential for job shifts in this era of AI dominance. Learn to strike the right balance between automation and personal touch when working with AI-driven content. Unpacking this episode min by min00:01:09 - Sue's Pitts- Role and Experience with the SBDC00:02:41 - Integration of AI 00:06:10 - Business Planning vs Business Plans00:09:06 - Initial Use of Chat GPT 00:13:35 - The Power of AI in Business Management00:16:26 - The Scary Side of AI00:19:18 - Getting Started with AI 00:22:53 - AI's Impact on the Workforce 00:25:54 - The Future of Content Creation 00:27:50 - Understanding the Use of AI00:28:29 - Writing with an Outline Generated by AI 00:29:13 - AI as a Brainstorming Tool 00:34:12 - Pros and Cons of AI for Business Owners 00:42:35 - Rapid fire questions with Sue Pitts If you love this show, please leave us a review. Go to RateThisPodcast.com/ridingtandem and follow the simple instructions.
Reach out! Send your feedback and comments. What would you like to hear about on this podcast? Email me at ridingtandem@thetandemworks.com 

Vivian Kvam: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/viviankvam/ Email Vivian - vkvam@thetandemworks.com  GUEST: Sue Pitts, SBDC Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/iwccce Website -http://iowawesternsbdc.com 
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