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368. Proxy power plays: getting proxies and powers of attorney RIGHT at your next meeting
In this solo episode, I’m sharing all you need to know about proxies under our NSW law, including: how to fill in the “approved form” correctly whether the holder of a power of attorney needs to fill in a proxy form the Tribunal and court cases where proxies have come out on top and more. Links Mentioned: Get the transcript here! New South Wales Strata Schemes Management Act | Schedule 1 New South Wales Strata Schemes Management Act | Schedule 2 Proxy appointment form (nsw.gov.au) Warren v The Owners – Strata Plan No. 61618 Civil and Administrative Tribunal NSW Section 127 | Execution of documents (including deeds) by the company itself | Corporations Act 2001 The Owners Strata Plan No 54026 v UniLodge Australia Pty Ltd (No 2) [2020] NSWCATAP 80 (8 May 2020) Quest Rose Hill and White Supreme Court in 2010 New South Wales Strata Schemes Management Act | Section 34