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4 Differences Between Toxic Vs Healthy Relationships and 6 Steps to Make the Shift no Matter Where You Are in Your Journey
Relationships often start with a spark, but how do you keep that spark alive without getting burnt?
It's a common question that many couples face as they navigate the complexities of maintaining a healthy and deep relationship.
Today, we will look deep into seeing the differences between a toxic and a healthy relationship and uncover the ways to build a lasting one. Every relationship is different - but understanding these four different toxic traits that are common in relationships will help you move away from something that is not serving you.
Moving to a healthy relationship when you’re coming from a toxic one is difficult but finding the courage to do so is a crucial step towards your emotional well-being and personal growth.
In this episode, you'll learn:
How to prioritize healthy love over perfection
How to embrace each other’s unique identities
How to avoid over-reliance and codependence
How to practice transparent communication
Hope that this guides you through a more healthy and happy relationship!
With Love and Gratitude,
Jay Shetty
What We Discuss:
00:00 Intro
02:32 What is the real definition of healthy vs. unhealthy love?
03:56 Toxic Trait #1: Over-reliance on one person - Do you go to your partner for everything that you need?
11:41 Toxic Trait #2: The idea of trying to change someone - We try to change our partners to be like us but have we ever thought about letting them be them and we be ourselves?
16:36 Toxic Trait #3: Playing games - Are you pursuing peace with your partner or are you pursuing power over your partner?
22:20 Toxic Trait #4: Losing your own identity - Don’t sacrifice your interests and independence for a relationship
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