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40 - Q&A with Ashley and Kristin
Join us for the final episode of our 3-part summer series called "Conversations of Hope with Ashley and Kristin." Ashley Opliger and Kristin Hernandez are both bereaved moms who desire to point other grieving moms to the hope they've found in Jesus. This month's episode is a Q&A with Ashley and Kristin using listener-submitted questions.In this episode, we discussed:
How to navigate relationships after losing a baby
Forgiving friends and family who have hurt us in our grief
Why friendships may change after loss
Victim mentality and identity
Preparing our hearts for our baby's first Heaven day
Ways to honor our baby on milestones
Anticipatory grief
Why it's sometimes harder to face the days leading up to a milestone than the day itself
Memorial ideas and random acts of kindness
How the Church can better support grieving families
What to do when you're in a waiting season
How do you know when you're ready to try again?
What can you do to stop being mad at God?
BONUS: Ashley and Kristin's Hope-Filled Worship Spotify PlaylistEPISODE SHOW NOTES, FULL TRANSCRIPT, & FREE PDF HOPE GUIDE:
www.bridgetscradles.com/post/episode40CRADLED IN HOPE PODCAST WEBSITE:
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