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5 Conversations About Culture That People Managers Must Have With Their Team with Shane M Hatton
Organisational culture is a hot topic at the moment. But, when it comes to improving organisational culture, not many are able to distil concepts into genuinely useful how-to frameworks, or practical road maps.Despite this, organisational culture must always be part of any change management conversation. That’s why I’m excited to have Shane Michael Hatton on the podcast today. Shane is an author, trainer, coach and speaker based in Melbourne. He is a member of the Forbes Global Coaches Council, a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and the author of two books. Shane’s most recent book is called Let’s Talk Culture, and that's exactly what we did in this conversation!<br/>In this conversation Shane shares some of his biggest findings and insights and an absolute gold mine of practical tips for those interested in improving their organisational culture.<br/>We cover the most useful definition of culture I’ve heard from anyone, why the organisational culture set by the leadership team often doesn’t flow down, who’s actually responsible for culture, how to move middle managers from cultural renters to owners and five very specific conversations people managers must have with their teams to improve culture.<br/>This conversation is packed with so many great takeaways and practical tools - I know you are going to love it.<br/><br/>Connect with Shane M HattonLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanemhatton/Website: https://www.shanemhatton.comFind Let’s Talk Culture book: https://shanemhatton.com/letstalkculture/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanemhatton Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/shanemhatton <br/>Connect with me: Website: https://www.everchange.com.au/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drkatebyrne