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5 Scary Money Facts And Statistics
This Halloween’s most terrifying stories have more to do with your money than goblins and zombies.In light of this spooky season, we’re sharing some of the scariest money scenarios that could happen to you. But no need to run screaming, we give you a few recommendations to help you if you’re ever caught in any of these situations. Table of Contents 1. The Government Can Garnish Your Social Security Checks For Unpaid Student Loans2. In 2022, Inflation Is Rising Faster Than Wages3. Nearly A Quarter of Adults Have Nothing Saved For Retirement4. Banks Collected More Than $15 Billion In Bogus Fees5. A $400 Emergency Will Send More Than A Third Of Americans ScramblingAre You A Part Of These Chilling Statistics? 1. The Government Can Garnish Your Social Security Checks For Unpaid Student LoansMost Federal student loan repayment plans lead to loan cancellation after 20 or 25 years. This means that most student loan borrowers will not have the chains of student debt going into retirement. However, parents who want to help their