61 - Succession Planning is Broken and How to Fix It with Rich Horwath with Strategic Thinking Institute's Rich Horwath
Your host, Sri Chellappa, talks with the Founder and CEO of Strategic Thinking Institute, Rich Horwath. One of the key takeaways from the conversation with Rich Horwath was the importance of focusing on expertise rather than solely on experience during succession planning. Rich, a strategic strategy facilitator, coach to executive leadership teams, bestselling author, and expert commentator on business strategy, emphasized the need to identify the 2 or 3 key skills and behaviors that drive expertise in a particular role. This approach ensures that the right competencies are being developed and recognized, setting the stage for a more effective succession process.Rich delved into the significance of taking a strategic look at succession planning and the use of talent scorecards. Rich explained that these scorecards are instrumental in evaluating an employee's technical capabilities, people leadership, and executive skills. By providing real-time feedback, talent scorecards serve as a valuable tool for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation, allowing organizations to make informed decisions about their future leaders.To learn more about Rich's work, click HERE and HERE. Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Sri's work at Engagedly? Check out his website at https://engagedly.com/.