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8. E08 with Jessica White - Understanding the magic of conscious communication
In this episode, we are sharing the space with our guest Jessica White, Flourishing in Flow and Empathy Angel. An opportunity to understand the magic of conscious communication. We explore her story of becoming a mother and rediscovering herself in this role with more empathy and compassion towards herself and the connection towards her flourishing little seeds. Continuing to expand the knowledge of Nonviolent Communication as a possibility to improve our ability to get in contact with our emotions and needs and supporting more people in the process of opening themselves and being heard instead of being hurt. <br/><br/>To discover more about Jessica White, visit https://www.flourishinginflow.co.nz/ and follow her on social media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/flourishinginflow Instagram https://www.instagram.com/flourishing_in_flow/Her latest project and contribution to life, visit www.empathyangels.co.nz <br/>Instagram https://www.instagram.com/empathy_angels<br/><br/>Buon ascolto. <br/>Enjoy