91. How Boudoir Photography Differs From Other Styles
How Boudoir Photography Differs From Other Styles - Episode 91 of the Sustainable Freedom with Boudoir Photography Podcast with Tracy Lynn!
10 Reasons Why You Need to Run Your Boudoir Photography Business Differently From Other Photographers. I LOVE being a boudoir photographer but I have to be honest. This industry does come with a little bit of stigma. When I first started out, I was judged a lot by people who knew me, and people who didn’t, about the work I did. I wasn’t taken very seriously…until people saw the money I was bringing in from it. Here’s the thing — boudoir is ART. And people are willing to pay for that art. A lot of people can’t see past their own judgments to realize that, though. And as a boudoir photographer yourself, I KNOW you understand! You’ve likely ran into the same situation plenty of times. Boudoir photographers don’t often get taken as seriously as other photographers do. But that’s not the only way a boudoir photography business differs from other styles of photography. There are LOADS more where that came from! So in this episode, we’re going to be talking about ten of them.
#boudoirphotographer #boudoir #boudoirphotographytips
The Boudoir Album: https://theboudoiralbum.com/
Graphistudio: https://www.graphistudio.com/en/
White House Custom Color: https://www.whcc.com/
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→Grab my FREE One-Page PDF: 5 Tips to Book Photography Clients Without Using Facebook Ads: https://tracylynncoaching.com/....marketing-strategy/d
→ Hit your first six figures in the next 12 months with this FREE Guide: Five Targets To Spot-Check In Your Boudoir Business This Year: https://tracylynncoaching.com/....marketing-strategy/t
→ Forever Booked Out, The high-level marketing program for photographers to book sessions now–and in the future. https://tracylynncoaching.com/forever-booked-out/
→ Boudoir Studio Accelerator, The blueprint to a six-figure boudoir studio: https://tracylynncoaching.com/....boudoir-studio-accel
Hey, I'm Tracy! I help photographers simplify their path to six figures and stay forever booked out.
Questions? Shoot me an email at hello@tracylynncoaching.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstracylynn
Follow me on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@tlceducation
Sustainable Freedom with Boudoir Photography Podcast: https://tracylynncoaching.com/podcast
My Amazon Recommendations: https://www.amazon.com/shop/boudoir_by_tracy_lynn
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