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An Honest Conversation About Mental Health with Jordan Dranes
Today on The Karen Kenney Show, my guest, client and friend - Jordan Dranes and I are covering some heavy and sensitive topics like Mental Health, trauma, violence, drug addiction, overdose, death, suicide, change work and healing. This is a 2-hour conversation - that is powerful, emotional and impactful - and I believe in some ways is going to be extremely helpful for many people listening both today and down the road for years to come. You might want to take this episode in using - as my friend and Trauma Therapist Linda Thai says - a “Sip, sip” approach. Feel free to take little sips, little doses, over the course of more than one day if necessary to take this entire episode in. Be kind to yourself, and your nervous system as you listen to everything Jordan has to say about his journey through some very dark times.And then continue to walk with us toward the light as we discuss our Spiritual Mentoring and change work together and his healing journey now and how he shares that with the world today.Jordan is a badass Vegan Bodybuilder and Coach - and owner of Conscious Muscle Vegan Fitness + Nutrition and he has a big following online.So it was an honor that Jordan chose to have this powerful, vulnerable, and honest conversation with me and I want to applaud his willingness, his vulnerability, his openness, his courage and chutzpah for saying; “Yeah, I'm gonna’ lay my humanity all out on the line.”My hope for this episode is that you find some inspiration for your own healing, and are even more comfortable being open to asking for help, getting support and seeking and creating space for your own well-being, personal development and spiritual growth. KK's TakeawaysSharing Your Story (6:10)His Inspiration (11:24)Growing Up In A Volatile Home (17:35)Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma (20:15)The Turning Point (24:49)Internal vs. External Family System. (30:31)Change Work + Coaching (40:24)You Can't Measure Success (53:30)Seeing Your Mother As A Human Being (57:15)Putting In The Work To Create New Habits (1:02:42)Alignment + Internal Stabilizers (1:07:05)The People Who Hurt Me The Most (1:15:13)Spiritual Mentorship (1:20:30)People and Their Health. (1:27:20)Knowing Who You Are (1:42:39)Learning To Accept Yourself (1:48:17)A Tough Cookie Is A Tough Cookie (2:01:12)<br/>JORDAN DRANES BIO:Jordan Dranes is a vegan coach, bodybuilder/powerlifter, animal activist, a dad, and a plant-based entrepreneur from Southern Florida. He’s the founder of Conscious Muscle: Online Fitness & Nutrition Coaching and the Co-founder of Conscious Muscle Supplements, which is a 100% Vegan & Cruelty Free Supplement company. His motto is, “We Kill Workouts – Not Animals”. He's also a big proponent of Mental Health awareness and the power of personal development!
JORDAN’S SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:CONSCIOUS MUSCLE WEBSITE: https://consciousmuscle.netCM SUPPLEMENTS: https://cmsupplements.com/INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cons....cious_muscle/FACEBOO https://www.facebook.com/consciousmuscleYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@consciousmuscle
Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, Hypnotist, Integrative Change Worker and a Life Coach. She’s known