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* COOP THERAPY #24 *Youtube hates us. People are striking. AI is taking over. Have a great day while you still can. Enjoy :)----------------------------------------Listen on Spotify: http://rb.gy/6waxaListen on Apple Podcasts:http://rb.gy/bvowo------------....-------------------- us on Instagram!Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/cooptherapy...Laura: https://www.instagram.com/laurababyy13/Trevor: https://www.instagram.com/tgna....rland/-------------- of us are licensed medical professionals. Any advice or guidance is strictly for entertainment purposesThanks AI :)
In this video, the content creator covers a wide range of topics and conversations, providing an engaging and entertaining discussion. They touch on issues like the challenges of staying focused with the help of Adderall and coffee, dealing with unwanted advances, the frustrations of content banning on social media platforms, the Barbie movie controversy, and the struggle for fair pay in the entertainment industry. The video also dives into topics like AI's influence in creative industries, customer service experiences, and situational awareness, along with personal anecdotes about pets, fears, and childhood toys. Don't miss out on this lively and thought-provoking conversation!