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A Live Conversation with Sabrina Jordan about the Fight for Justice for Her Son Jamarco McShann
September 12th, LaToya Benton and Roxane Johnson interviewed Sabrina Jordan on Life After the Impact.Sabrina Jordan is the founder and chair of Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality (OFUAPB) and the proud mother of Jamal and Jamarco McShann. Jamal was 22 years old when he was killed on October 15, 2013 due to gun violence, and Jamarco was killed as a 23 year old on October 20, 2017 by Moraine Ohio police officers.Sabrina has been involved with the fight against police brutality ever since, working to make legislative changes in order to save lives and to support extended families, who, while not related by blood are bonded through the needless bloodshed of our loved ones.Join us to learn how YOU can get involved.