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A New Home for Crabs Crabs, and Escaping the Heat Underground
B*News Bites 文字檔 (國中)
Hi there! It's time for another episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun.
And I'm Hope Ngo.
In today's news:
Some big crabs find a new home, and some people head underground to escape the heat.
And stay tuned for today's Tasty Tidbits at the end of the episode…
Where we find out what we have in common with Pinocchio!
Coconut Crabs Living Wild on Green Island
A type of rare crab may have found a home on Green Island.
Coconut crabs live on land.
Adult coconut crabs have hard shells (殼), and can get very large.
An adult coconut crab can weigh around 4 kilograms.
That's about as heavy as a cat, or a small dog.
And they can grow up to 1 meter wide, from the tip of one leg (的尖端) to the tip of another.
Some of these big crabs have been found on Green Island.
And scientists think the crabs may be making Green Island their new home.
The scientists have spotted young coconut crabs living free on the island.
These young crabs were found by scientists earlier this summer.
And the crabs were 1 to 5 years old.
They were still carrying seashells to protect (保護) their bodies.
Coconut crabs are protected by Taiwan's Wildlife Conservation Act.
They are mostly found along the coast of Pingtung, Taitung, and Taiwan's eastern outlying islands.
Their pincers (螯) are also strong enough to crack coconut shells.
They do this to get to the coconut meat (椰肉) inside.
Scientists say young coconut crabs have been spotted on Green Island in the past.
But they say the crabs haven't been carefully studied there yet.
If the crabs can live and grow on Green Island, they could become an important part of the natural environment there.
逃離酷熱 澳洲地下小鎮
Australian Town Heads Underground to Beat the Heat
We all felt the heat this summer.
And many scientists say these super-hot summers could be the new "normal".
So if we're going to get through these high temperatures, we may have to change the way we live.
Some in Australia are heading underground (地下) to get away from the heat.
Around 3,000 people live in a town called Coober Pedy.
But sometimes, it looks very empty.
That's because Coober Pedy gets very hot.
The temperature there hits 52 degrees Celsius…and that's in the shade (陰涼處).
It's so hot, people who live there have to put electronics (電子產品) in the fridge.
So, more than half of the people in Coober Pedy live underground.
All the underground buildings in the town are at least four meters deep.
And down there, the temperature is always around 23 degrees Celsius.
That's during daytime and at night.
People who live there say it's very easy to make a home or a new building.
They say the rock there is very soft.
So if the want to add another room to their underground house, they just start digging (挖).
And some people have made big homes with many rooms.
Some have even adde