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A Sustainable Crypto Gaming Guild Relying on Scholarship Revenues in November 2022
Crypto-Guilds Interviews are a series of one-on-one discussions with Guild Leaders and KOLs in the GameFi, Guild, and Metaverse industries. We are bringing transparency from top builders to understand what is happening behind the scene.This interview is featuring Konstantin Sinev, MD & CMO at Liberty Gaming, a crypto Gaming Guild and GameFi Hub. Check out their platform: https://libertygaming.io/0:00 Intro0:43 who is Louis?3:10 How did Xborg start?9:25 Prometheus NFTs sold out16:57 What is a Guild?19:55 What is Xborg?37:25 Where does Xborg invest?45:00 NFT lending48:00 Xborg Business Model 51:15 The Meta Question Twitter links Liberty Gaming: https://twitter.com/LibertyGaming Jeremie: https://twitter.com/bootstrapendo Crypto-Guilds: https://twitter.com/crypto_guilds Crypto-Guilds is the Linkedin of the Metaverse connecting Guilds, Games, and Scholars. We developed tools to help scholars find scholarships, Guilds, and Games partner, grow their community, and raise funds. https://crypto-guilds.com/