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Actor - Samuel Skuthorp
This episode features 28-year-old Actor – Samuel Skuthorp, who completed a Bachelor in Musical Theatre from the very prestigious Griffith University. Acting has always been a passion for Sam, and he is performed in some of the most acclaimed musicals across Australia.Top questions asked by students for Actor:00:00 – Intro01:39 – Why did you pursuit a career in acting?02:27 – At what point did you realise acting is for you?03:28 – How did you learn about acting?08:07 – How do you find work in the industry?11:47 – How do you select/choose an agent?13:38 – How competitive is the industry?16:59 – How do you stand out/differentiate from other actors?19:23 – Did you have a back-up plan?23:05 – Was there anything that shocked you when you started working in industry26:41 – Can you support yourself financially as an actor?30:03 – What sacrifices did you need to make to pursuit this career?34:49 – Is this a career you can do for a long time?37:24 – If you had a change to go back to high-school, would you do anything differently?