Art of Making a Business Case, Refund Fraud, and Why Fighting Fraud is Like Tom & Jerry - Vineet Grewal (Wish .com)
Fraudology is presented by Spec. Check out their no-code platform you can implement to start fighting fraud today!Karisse is again joined by her friend, and the Sr. Manager of Risk for Wish .com, Vineet Grewal. 3 weeks ago, Vineet talked about why she has made "approval rates" her North Star. This week, she's sharing some of her tips for creating a business case to engage & influence senior leadership for the resources needed to implement better solutions for more data and accuracy.While talking about the methods & steps she's used to effectively present to senior leadership, Vineet also uses an example of a specific fraud attack that she swears she will never forget. Taking us on a journey from the moment she first discovered refund claims fraud (aka: refund fraud) on the system, to being granted approval of the proposed changes she brilliantly presented to her executive team, and then to share the result of the implementation of . They wrap up the conversation with Vineet reminiscing about Saturday morning cartoons, and how one of them in particular makes the perfect metaphor for the life of a fraud-fighter!To connect directly with Vineet (No solicitations please!): is hosted by Karisse Hendrick, a fraud fighter with decades of experience advising hundreds of the biggest ecommerce companies in the world on fraud, chargebacks, and other forms of abuse impacting a company's bottom line. Connect with her on LinkedIn She brings her experience, expertise, and extensive network of experts to this podcast semi weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.