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Asking For A Friend: How Do I Stay Safe While Traveling (And What To Do If You Get Robbed)
It’s OOO season, friends! Between bachelorette weekends, road trips, summer vacay plans, and everyone decidedly going to Italy this month, travel is top of mind this time of year. And as the saying goes, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”...But what happens if your phone is stolen, you lose your wallet, and your identity is compromised while abroad!? #truestory<br /><br />In this week’s Asking For A Friend, our resident travel expert, Gill, is in the hot seat to drop some hard-earned lessons on how to stay safe while traveling (especially as a solo traveler), and to share her first-hand experience with what to do if you get robbed abroad.Tune ns as we chat about:Prioritizing safe areas to sayWhy you should *always* turn on Find My iPhone and share your location with family/friendsKeeping important itinerary details with you at all timesSafe transportation tips while travelingWhat happened when Gill got mugged abroad, and everything she learned from itThe stuff you should actually pack to keep you safeHow to avoid losing your belongingsProtecting your personal data & banking info while travelingThe power of trusting your gutAt the end of the day, fear should never hold you back from traveling and experiencing this beautiful planet. With proper preparation and staying smart and aware, the world is truly your oyster.If you have any other burning questions for us and want to get us in the hot seat DM us or send us an email at contact@teachmehowtoadult.ca and we’ll dive into it in an upcoming Asking For A Friend! Big thank you to Telus Online Security for sponsoring this episode. You can learn more and check out their plans at Telus.com/online-security.For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmedia instagram.com/yunggillianaire/instagram.com/cailynmichaan/