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Auditory Nerves: Part 1 - Familiar Cries
Bush Rangers Renee, Liz and Jen are hoping for a quiet night but when an uncanny cry for help crackles through the radio, these hopes quickly die. A haunting past turns into a haunting present as Jen finds herself facing her worst fear yet again. Recognisable voices and recognisable fears take a dark turn with a terrible sound dooming Jen to an unrecognisable fate. Written by Matisse Duncan<br />Support written by Bjorn Farbaek<br />And Annabel Gilbert Jen performed by Rachael Griffiths<br />Renae performed by Jade Cassidy<br />Liz performed by Maddy Connors<br />Distress caller performed by Annabel Gilbert <br />Nurse performed by Tuesday Tomlins Produced by Tuesday Tomlins<br />Directed by Maisie Johansen<br />Audio produced by Maisie Johansen Edited by Breeh Botsford and Kaylee May Lovegrove