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Autism@Work 2023: Episode 1 - Welcome & Keynote: Tom D'Eri
In this 16-session series, Autism@Work Virtual Summit panellists discuss a range of work-related topics affecting autistic people and the autism community from mental health to self-advocacy. Featuring a Welcome to Country by Elise Muller, opening remarks from Autism CRC CEO Andrew Davis and DXC Technology Social Impact Practice Leader Michael Fieldhouse. This session also features keynote speaker Tom D’Eri, Co-founder and COO of Rising Tide Car Wash, an organisation that employs over 90 autistic individuals in a successful car wash business. Tom has dedicated his career to unleashing human potential by creating organisational systems and culture that empower people to grow.You can watch the recordings of the series at: https://www.autismcrc.com.au/n....ews/webinars/autismw