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Balance and Focus: Looking Through the Lens
With a prolific career spanning over two decades, Michael Thomas has emerged as a luminary in the realms of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Social Media.. Beyond his professional pursuits, Michael a photographer, historian, educator, and visual storyteller based in Atlanta, GA. Through MWT Photography, Michael captures life's beautiful and sometimes trying moments. Michael has two sides to his body of work - mybackyardnature.com and thestoriesofus.photography. Furthermore, he's an ardent advocate for teaching African American History and serves on the Board of Directors at the Marietta Museum of History., In this episode, we touch on:How to be true to your gifts and calling.How personal super strengths surface thematically and nudge you on the right path. What Michael has learned from pursuing photography as an observer of nature and the human condition. To engage further, we invite you to explore the following resources after listening to this podcast: Engage with Michael's Work In Michael's example, we learned that storytelling was a super strength that Michael had professionally and personally. Think about what you are pulled to and why. There might be something more there to invest in and further discover to tap into more joy.Anyone can start exploring photography with your phone. Take yourself on a different route - explore a new location. Play. Take photos at interesting angles. Hold your Phone upside down and see what that does to the perspective and composition.Learn from Michael Thomas - take some time to explore his thought provoking and awe inspiring body of work at Mybackyardnature.com and the The Stories of Us. His work is also for sale.