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Ballet Spartanburg with Teresa Berline and Carlos Agudelo
In this week's show, we get ready for the holiday season with an interview with Teresa and Carlos from Ballet Spartanburg. Teresa is the executive director and Carlos is the creative director. They tell us all about the history of the organization and the preparations for their upcoming production of the Nutcracker.<br/><br/>https://www.balletspartanburg.org<br/><br/>#gospartanburg<br/>#BalletSpartanburg<br/>#NutcrackerWe would love it if you would leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts. <br/><br/>Our website is www.gospartanburg.us.<br/><br/>Follow our Facebook page and join our group for more info about new episodes.<br/><br/>https://www.facebook.com/gospartanburgpod<br/><br/>We would love to hear from you. Email us at gospartanburg@gmail.com.<br/><br/>#Spartanburg<br/>#South Carolina<br/>#upstatesc