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Batch 247: Oktoberfest and Pumpkin Beers
It's the return of the Bottleshare as Stephen drinks and power ranks four Oktoberfest appropirate beers. Alex shares his top 5 pumpkin beers of all time and also gives a bonus top 5 video games for 2023. In the Beer News, Donald Trump's mugshot will be on a beer (or will it?), KFC releases a spiced rum made with their secret mix of 11 herbs and spices, and Sierra Nevada holds the "best contest for beer lovers" according to Forbes. To get involved with the "Life" International Barleywine Collab, click the link for info about the recipe, BSG discount, and links to help raise awareness of colon cancer. If you'd like to make a direct donation to help support Alex, head over to his GoFundMe. For more info about colon cancer and to help support the fight against it check out the Colon Cancer Foundation. Head to our Patreon for weekly exclusive content. Get the Malt Couture Officially Licensed T-shirt. Follow DontDrinkBeer on Instagram and Twitter.