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Biden's Irresponsibility, RFK Jr. Presents Challenge to Biden; 4th of July Travel, Affirmative Action Case Ruled by SCOTUS & Pride to be an American Remains Low
Tonight's rundown:
Talking Points Memo: Biden’s irresponsibility and selfishness reaches new levels.
Bill declares Robert Kennedy Jr. as Biden’s only challenger
Travel for the 4th of July expected to hit record levels- and with the incompetency of the FAA all Americans will feel it.
SCOTUS rules on Affirmative Action – what else to expect before the Court breaks for summer
Kate’s Law reintroduced in the Senate
Gallup poll reveals pride in being an American remains low
Customs and Border Protection in Arizona seizes 1.98 million fentanyl pills, in just two days.
Smart Life: build time into your day where you don’t use your phone
This Day in History: actress Jayne Mansfield, her boyfriend and their driver are killed in car accident
Final Thought: Why you should visit BillOReilly.com over the July 4th weekend
In Case You Missed It:
Read Bill's latest column, "They're Not Victims"
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