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BIP S8E14+15: Put That on the Jungle Path (+ Love is Blind Chat)
First half BIP, second half LIB (59:20 for Love is Blind recap) but even so….for a dog-days of summer episode, we excavated some GEMS in the final hour here on the beach AND in this episode! We get deep into whether Rachel and Gabby had super-senior, vindictive energy and where Logan falls in fault in all of this while Kate truly needs to be stopped. Appreciating Andrew’s honesty when it finally came in the eleventh hour when the shock of Ency going CHAOS MODE hit him. PLUS, Love Is Blind Season 3 wrapped last week and we had to discuss the largest villian to hit our screens, who truly NEVER got his due, Bartise. Plus SK and Raven not getting married to be the best thing to ever happen to their relationship dynamic and Cole remaining the problem (while we appreciate his remorse). So much to break down, it was a good one! Support the show