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Bonus Episode - The Anniversary Interview on The Storied Recipe Podcast with Becky Hadeed
This is the 1 year anniversary of my other podcast, Recipe of the Day. Since that show goes out every single day, that means that we've done 365 episodes. Isn't that crazy? To celebrate, I wanted to share a bit more about myself with you. Today's episode is from when I was a guest on Becky Hadeed's beautiful podcast, The Storied Recipe. Becky is a warm and thoughtful interviewer and in this episode, as in all of her episodes, she uncovered the threads of my life story that resulted in my career in food, including my recipe philosophy, my websites and podcasts. Thank you for listening and for celebrating this momentous anniversary with me. -Christine xo<br /><br />To listen to more of Becky's interviews, search for The Storied Recipe wherever you get your podcasts, or head over here for subscribe links and more info for new podcast listeners.