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Bootstrapping with Dylan Ratigan - November 22, 2022 - From Merc Trader to Real Estate Mogul
Find out how one of the biggest tasty fans you will ever meet and is a huge proponent of Bootstrapping With Dylan Ratigan, started a real estate investment company that has raised close over $2B since their inception. Origin Investments is a leading real estate investment company with an experienced, institutionally-trained team. Origin’s long-term vision of reaching 2,000 investors was met in 2021 and a new vision is now being scoped. This year’s goal is to reach $2B in EUM. In 2021, Origin raised $500M. Michael Episcope is the Co-founder, and a former Merc trader who twice was named a top 100 trader in the world and consistently one of the top three traders by volume at the CME.
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