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Brian McBride (Bell Gardens, Stars of the Lid) Live dublab Performance 12.21.05
In support of his 2005 album When the Detail Lost its Freedom for the ever-crucial Kranky records, Brian McBride of atmospheric ambient outfits Stars of The Lid and Bell Gardens dropped by dublab for a live rendition of his recent material. In his creative process, McBride recorded guitar, piano and numerous other sources to a keyboard sampler, then composed a batch of all-new works from the recordings. For his set at dublab, McBride triggered the samples live. Bearing a likeness to the pristine beauty of untouched nature, McBride’s meditative session is an awe-inducing half-hour of placid sounds akin to Eno’s early ambient releases. FROM THE VAULTS is an ongoing curation project produced by Ben Sinclair, resurfacing rare live performances and DJ sets recorded during dublab’s first ten years. dublab is a listener supported non profit radio station. Become a Sustaining Member today at: https://www.dublab.com/support/memberships