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Caesar Kalinowski ~ When Discipleship and Taking Leaps Lock Arms
"What if discipleship as a lifestyle is less about trying to get people to say a prayer about their afterlife and more about inviting them to walk in the ways of Jesus with us?" - Caesar Kalinowski What does discipleship mean to you?How are you living out the principles of discipleship as you take leaps?In this episode, we have the privilege of speaking with Caesar Kalinowski, a man who has embraced a fresh perspective on discipleship and is living out a lifestyle of faith and obedience. Through his experiences as an entrepreneur, pastor, and disciple-maker, Caesar has discovered the transformative power of treating others like family and inviting them to walk in the ways of Jesus.Caesar’s BioCaesar Kalinowski is a father, recent grandpa, and has been married to his high school sweetheart, Tina, for over 30 years. He is a serial church planter, coach, and the author of several books, including the top-selling, The Gospel Primer. He has worked in 30+ countries training thousands of people in discipleship and mission as a lifestyle. "I love to help those with a high commitment to intentional living in the areas of their family, discipleship, and mission acquire the leadership skills and tools necessary to succeed and leave a lasting legacy." ~CaesarStay Connected:Caesar Kalinowski Caesar’s ResourcesCaesar’s Podcast | Everyday DiscipleCaesar’s | InstagramCaesar’s | FacebookRachel ScottWebsite| https://rachelgscott.com/Website| http://the5leaps.com/Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/iamr....achelgscott/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamrachelgscottSponsored Resources Mentioned:5 Week Leap Mentoring: Sign Up HereRGS Group: Learn More HereThe 5 Leaps Quick Guide: Grab it Here