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Can Kanye come back to the Fashion World? Balenciaga partnership with Hefty
Oh no Kanye! We had to talk about adidas telling kanye "it's not me, it's you" The break up we didn't think would happen. We talk about whether this was always his plan. <br/><br/>Fashion Designer Shane Justin gets dragged in the comments and we talk about our personal experience ordering from the brand. UT-OH<br/><br/>Balenciaga and Hefty trash bags must have a collab we were unaware of because their new accessories are almost literally trash.<br/><br/>Let us know how you like this episode and others via email 7figurefashionbusiness@gmail.com and social media (ig & tik tok) 7figurefashionbusiness<br/><br/>Don't forget to leave us a review if you are loving the podcast so far!
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