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Cancer Care in Botswana Part 1
The Oncology Podcast - Delivering Oncology News Differently<br/><br/>Welcome to Episode 10 in our Experts On Point podcast series brought to you by The Oncology Podcast.<br/><br/>Have you wondered what it is like to practice medical oncology in Botswana?In today’s episode, Professor Hans Prenen and Dr Laure-Anne Teuwen chat to Dr Peter Vuylsteke from the University of Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. Peter left his medical oncology practice in Belgium to experience medicine in a completely different environment.This is the first of two special episodes of the podcast on Cancer Care in Botswana. In the next episode, Rachael Babin chats to Surbhi Grover and Givy Dhaliwal about their smart phone app, created to improve the care of gynaecological cancer patients in Gaborone.We hope you enjoy today's episode.<br/><br/>For news and podcast updates subscribe to The Oncology Newsletter, a free weekly publication for healthcare professionals with an interest in oncology. Click here to subscribe.<br/><br/>PART OF THE ONCOLOGY NETWORK... Join Us