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Choosing the Power of the Ask, Part 1
Assumptions make promises like 15 year-old teenagers: "I'll love you forever!" Don't listen! Instead, choose the Power of the Ask. Deceptively simple, this crucial practice can help you avoid bad hires, proactively head off problems, and identify positive traits to protect and nurture in your school or home. It's not just negative assumptions which create difficulties; so do positive ones.Have you subscribed to the "3 Keys" newsletter yet? It only takes one idea, insight, or resource to move between good, better, and best! That's where the "3 Keys" newsletter can help. No grating clutter; just great content. To subscribe, visit https://www.key3educators.com.You can also find information on speaking engagements for students, parents, and staff on the website. No yada, yada, yada. Meaningful presentations worthy of your precious time.Remember, your impact truly is immeasurable, eternal, and irreplaceable!Learn yourself, Love God, Live connected.#christianschools#christianeducation#homeschooling#christianhomeschooling#christianteachers