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Chronic Illness, Boundaries, and Codependency with Amina AlTai
This is a really thoughtful episode. Gabe and executive coach Amina AlTai have basically a therapy session about somatic practices around finances, and reprogramming themselves out of harming themselves for work. Amina burnt herself out so hard she triggered two autoimmune diseases. How do we set boundaries even if it's uncomfortable, and how can we use somatic practices or reprogramming to avoid harming ourselves for work?
Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gabesdunn
Donate to Our Movie: https://seedandspark.com/fund/you-and-i-you-and-me-film#story
This has been a Noted Bisexual and Diamond MPrint ProductionsProduced by Melisa D. MontsEdited by Diane KangPost-Production Sound by Coco Llorens
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