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Clueless and Break Ups
On this weeks episodeKelsey and Kaelynn recap from last weeks episode with Josh and Kyle with the Stay Petty Podcast.Then they reflect on how hard it is to schedule time with your friends as adults, and how hard it is growing up. Time management, financially, and how tough life can be sometimes.Kaelynn took the time to share and be vulnerable about what her relationship looks like, and what that healing looks like for her. In a vulnerable moment she shares how she’s still healing. She talks about the work that she’s doing in herself and the action of being a coparent. Kaelynn talks about the struggles of being in a small town and people insert themselves into your business and how to respond to that. If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, please reach out 24/7Call: 800-799-7233Text: START to 88788National Domestic Hotline Website https://www.thehotline.org/Domestic Violence YWCADomestic Violence Services - YWCA Nashville & Middle TennesseeKelsey’s tips of the week: Tune in every Friday for new episodes! Follow us Instagram @twowithoutaclue_kaelandkelsLike us on Facebook “Two Without a Clue” https://rss.com/podcasts/twowi....thoutaclue/?fbclid=P