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Clueless and Community Grief
On this weeks episodeKelsey shares that she is back on her school routine with her kiddos, and the action she is taking to better her physical health to improve her overall health. Kaelynn and Kelsey talk about the loss suffered by their childhood community, Tashia Biggs. With a heavy heart we share that her works in the communities through Camp Hope, and being an Officer in our community. She was a selfless spirit and we are all in shock. Kelsey and Kaelynn talk about mental health, and their struggles and the impact and actions they took to get through those difficult times. Camp Hope’s Website:https://www.camphopetn.com/Shirts for Purchase: https://shopkwdesigns.myshopify.com/products/loveliketashia?utm_content=ios&utm_medium=product-links&utm_source=copyToPasteboardIf you or someone you know is struggling with Mental Health, please reach out 24/7Call: 988Text: 988National Suicide Website:https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=oneboxKelsey’s tips of the week:https://pin.it/1W325cp Tune in every Friday for new episodes! Follow us Instagram @twowithoutaclue_kaelandkelsLike us on Facebook “Two Without a Clue” https://rss.com/podcasts/twowi....thoutaclue/?fbclid=P