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Clueless and Petty feat. Stay Petty Podcast
On this weeks episodeWe are joined by Josh and Kyle the Co-Host of Stay Petty Podcast! We talk about the podcasting journey, how we met, how they met, and also some difficult life topics. Both Kyle and Josh share their point of views of what it’s like being a Father in different dynamics than what we’re use to. Having a community is so important and creating a community where you have genuine support is incredibly important, especially when you’re an adult. We talk about juggling the responsibilities of being a parent, and building relationships beyond surface level. Thanks for tuning in and give Stay Petty Podcast a follow on Facebook, Instagram, and everywhere you stream your podcasts! https://linktr.ee/staypettypodIf you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, please reach out 24/7Call: 800-799-7233Text: START to 88788National Domestic Hotline Website https://www.thehotline.org/Domestic Violence YWCADomestic Violence Services - YWCA Nashville & Middle TennesseeKelsey’s tips of the week: Tune in every Friday for new episodes! Follow us Instagram @twowithoutaclue_kaelandkelsLike us on Facebook “Two Without a Clue” https://rss.com/podcasts/twowi....thoutaclue/?fbclid=P