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Clueless Co-Parenting Phases
On this weeks episodeKaelynn opens talking about her spiritual journey and connecting with Kelsey in her love for astrology. They then talk about the prep of getting kids ready for school and the hesitancy Kelsey feels with her oldest starting school and forming relationships. They share how awesome it is to have positive co-parenting relationships and help with getting prepared for the new year. Kaelynn talks about creating those relationships and dynamics when the dynamic isn’t always so positive and how she was able to establish those relationships in the chaos. They also talk about how important in these dynamics that being direct is key create successful relationships, and happier healthier dynamics. Kelsey’s tips of the week:https://pin.it/2Sdf5ugIf you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, please reach out 24/7Call: 800-799-7233Text: START to 88788National Domestic Hotline Website https://www.thehotline.org/Domestic Violence YWCADomestic Violence Services - YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee Tune in every Friday for new episodes! Follow us Instagram @twowithoutaclue_kaelandkelsLike us on Facebook “Two Without a Clue” https://rss.com/podcasts/twowi....thoutaclue/?fbclid=P