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COACHING with John Mayer (Part 1 of 3)
1:36 - Switching up the roles: dedicating this podcast to asking John questions.2:45 - How does John gather his coaching principles and ideas?Partially through co-hosting these podcast episodes!4:00 - How John tries to transfer ideas/techniques that are explained in the context of other sports to volleyball.6:15 - If John founded a youth volleyball club, what would be the major ideas that he would go over with the coaches he employed?10:28 - How would John design practices as the “problem provider."12:46 - What does John clue in on to determine which challenges are relevant, and which are less important to work on?14:29 - John’s process for practice design.16:05 - When creating practice plans, does John like to go back to previous ones for inspiration, or does he prefer starting fresh?17:29 - Explaining the difference between performance and learning.19:08 - How can coaches foster an effective learning environment?20:59 - When it comes time for competition and games, how does John’s role change as a coach?25:47 - Explaining challenge point theory.Books Coach Your Brains Out: The Art and Science of Coaching VolleyballThe Inner Knight: Train and Compete Like a ChampionContact us for bulk orders: coachyourbrainsout@gmail.com Support the show by becoming a Patron