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Coffee with Brian A Daily Morning Chat Episode 432 Podcast Livestream
⚡lots@getalby.com Join me for the daily morning coffee chat and the livestream of my podcast. I lead off with The Perfect Cup Question of the Day, This Day in History and then chat about our life on the road as full-time nomads in an RV with our 3 St Bernards. Follow the new Telegram Channel at https://t.me/lotsfeedAll the info none of the chatter.Grab a Blockstream Jade Hardware Wallet from our affiliate link:https://store.blockstream.com/?ref=LotsUse Discount Code: TheLOTSProject for 10% off Item Of The Day: Farberware Luna Tea KettleReview: https://thelotsproject.com/202....3/06/13/farberware-l it on Amazon from our Affiliate Link:Farberware Luna Tea Kettlehttps://amzn.to/3Nr6lTX Are you a Taphophile, or enjoy cemeteries and the history and stories behind them? Consider joining my Cemetery Explorers Club. https://thelotsproject.com/explorersclub/ Don’t Hate Money. Grab the Fold card and get free satoshis using my link to sign up and request the card. https://use.foldapp.com/r/FANEWETX Come and Hang out with Kori and I at SRF6 in Camden TN OCT 14-15 Early bird tickets on sale now (save $20) https://selfreliancefestival.com?aff=lotsproject Find out more at https://thelotsproject.com<br/><br/>Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-lots-project/donations<br/><br/>Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands