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Comic Book Adaptations: How Faithful Should They Be?
This episode Jack is joined by Diego Crespo + Gene Aversa from The Waffle Press to talk about our favourite comic book adaptations and ask the big questions: what makes a good comic adaptation? How faithful should they be to the source material? Can we survive this conversation without talking about the current Spider-Man comics? (the answer is no). Find The Waffle Press here<br /> Gene on Twitter<br /> Diego on Twitter<br /> + check out these episodes:<br /> What’s Going on with the Strike?<br /> SDCC 2023 + Supporting SAG<br /> Across The Spider-Verse Spoiler Discussion w/ Jack<br /> The Amazing Spider-Man 2 review (but it’s structured like the movie) This week we took suggestions from the lovely weirdos in our Discord. If you want to join in to talk movies, comics, TV, or just share dumb memes without the hateful nonsense of other social media platforms, join us in The Radioactive Spider-Hole. A podcast for no one. If we get anything wrong, a wizard did it. Patreon / Instagram / Tumblr / Twitter / TikTok / Facebook Intro/Outro: Razonix – Synthwave Spider-Man (w/edits) Email: That90sspidermanshow@gmail.com