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Community Branding and Engagement — with Ryan Short
Ryan Short is the CEO of CivicBrand, a firm that blends together branding, communications, and direct engagement with communities. As we think about the kinds of places we want our cities to grow into and be in the future, it's important to directly connect with members of the community to help identify and then take ownership of a place. CivicBrand is right at the place where those things converge. If you are interested in how to get your community more engaged in discussions both large and small, this episode is right for you. <br /><br />There is also some really interesting discussion about communicating in a meaningful way in the time of COVID, and work-from-home in this episode. Take a listen and let us know what you think.<br /><br />Links:<br />Eyes On the Street Podcast – https://www.civicbrand.com/insights/podcast<br />CivicBrand Website – https://www.civicbrand.com