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Community Spotlight: Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types - Part Two
In part two of our Community Spotlight podcast featuring the Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (FIRST) you’ll hear from the Cina Family as they discuss the important role patient advocacy organizations play in supporting families. Sean and Jolie Cina have two children with ichthyosis – Portia (16) and Miles (12), and found FIRST shortly after Portia was born and diagnosed. Now, 16 years later, the family is more involved than ever with the FIRST community. Inspired by her own condition, Portia created and produced a documentary about living with ichthyosis, called Beneath the Skin (you can watch this and other related videos on Portia’s YouTube Channel here). Enjoy this episode as you learn more about ichthyosis and the Cina’s experience with FIRST.