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Crushing Debt and Building Wealth with Whitney Hansen
This week on the Life Changing Money podcast, I am chatting with Whitney Hansen. She is a financial coach, speaker, and host of the award-winning podcast The Money Nerds. She has been featured on Forbes, CNBC, ESPN, Yahoo! Finance, Ally and frequents local news channels. After paying off $30,000 in 10 months, hacking her way to a $472 MBA, and buying her first home at 19, she discovered her love for helping Millennials take control of their financial life.Listen in as we dive into topics such as side hustles that actually work, paying off debt, and improving your money mindset to build wealth.Topics discussed on today's episode: Top tips for getting out of debtHow to overcome the shame of debtImproving your money mindsetHighest-paying side hustlesHer favorite books to help you learn how to invest>>>> WRITE OFF YOUR LIFE IS NOW OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS ON WRITE OFF YOUR LIFE!CONNECT WITH WHITNEY:The Money Nerds Podcast: themoneynerds.com IG: @whitney_hansen_co How To Get Involved:Life-Changing Money is a podcast all about money. We share stories of how money has impacted and radically changed the lives of others, and how it can do the same for you. Your host, Barbara Schreihans (pronounced ShREE-hands) is the founder and CEO of Your Tax Coach, and the Creator of the Write Off Your Life Course. She is a kickass tax strategist, business coach, and all-around master when it comes to wealth and finances. Barbara aids business owners and high net-worth individuals in saving tens of millions of dollars in taxes while also growing their profits.When she’s not leading her team, coaching clients, or dreaming up new goals for her company, you can find her drinking coffee, hanging out with her family, and traveling the world.Grab a cup of coffee and become inspired as we hear from those who have overcome and are overcoming their self-limiting beliefs and money mindsets!Do you have a burning question that you'd love to hear answered on a future show?Please email it to: podcast@yourtaxcoach.bizSign Up For Our NewsletterLife Changing Money PodcastGet Tax Help!<br />