CXVI. King's Disease 3 | Nas

0 Views· 11/25/22
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This week Demar and Adriel Nas’ sixteenth studio album ‘King’s disease 3’, if this is the best trilogy in hip hop history, and why it’s less about how Nas raps but what he raps about now. <br /> <br />Demar’s rating: 8.5 <br />Adriel’s rating: 8.5 <br /><br /> *NO SKIPS* <br /><br />The Love List: Ghetto Reporter, Thun, I’m on Fire, Til My Last Breath, Michael & Quincy <br /> <br />Follow us: <br /> <br />Twitter / Instagram/ TikTok: <br />@AlbumModePod <br />@AdrielSmileyOfficial <br />@DemarjGrant <br /> <br /> <br />Clubhouse / Greenroom: <br />@demar <br />@adrielsmiley

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