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Dan Egan - Pioneering Extreme Skier of “Egan Brothers” Warren Miller Fame and the Business Mind to Make it a Career
Dan followed his brother John, six years older, into Warren Miller movies. They skied the steepest and gnarliest, but also went where the news was happening. Dan said, if it’s happening on CNN, that’s where I want to be, which meant skiing the Berlin Wall, sneaking into Lebanon, and almost dying in a storm on Europe’s tallest mountain, Russia’s Mt Elbrus. He hitchhiked with his skis strapped to his back, slept on couches, and made good on the relationships that he forged as a young teenager turning screws for the Ski Market. This boy from Boston has seen it all, skied it all and now his written it down in Thirty Years in a White Haze: Dan Egan's Story of Worldwide Adventure and the Evolution of Extreme Skiing.
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