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Decade of Greatness | Experiences
In this week’s episode of Building Championship Mindsets, Dr. Amber Selking discusses how our own experiences can be success drivers in teams, systems, and communities. Experiences are important to who we are, how we operate, and how we are able to serve. Dr. Selking talks about the power of modeling excellence and how every experience serves as a data point that informs how we think and operate. About Building Championship MindsetsWelcome to “Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast!” From the LockerRoom to the BoardRoom, our purpose is to help individuals, teams, and organizations understand and leverage the power of Mindset and Leadership to drive results and achieve sustainable performance excellence. As a leader in the field of sports and performance psychology, Dr. Amber Selking has been fiercely devoted to optimizing human performance in people and systems throughout her entire career.
Dr. Selking is the founder of Selking Performance Group, a leading performance consulting practice that helps individuals, companies, and sports teams achieve sustainable results. She has served as the Mental Performance Coach for the Notre Dame Football team and as the Vice President of Leadership & Culture Development for Lippert, a global, publicly-traded manufacturing company whose corporate vision is to change the model of work, demonstrating that business can and should Be a Force for Good in our World. She has also served as an adjunct professor in the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame.Dr. Selking holds a Ph.D. in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, a master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver, and an undergraduate degree in Management Consulting from the University of Notre Dame. At ND, Amber played soccer for the Fighting Irish before an injury ended her career, after which she founded Notre Dame Christian Athletes (NDCA) in the ND Athletic Department. She currently resides in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband, Aaron, and their Doberman Pinscher, Rockne.
Championship Mindset Training | MidWeek Mental RepSay yes! Say yes to an experience that will allow you to get a data point under your belt. Ignite your mind and heart so that you can go out and be the best version of yourself.
STANDOUT QUOTES“We need to work with leaders to build mindsets that are conducive to winning. If they build the right mindsets guess who they lead better first and foremost? Themselves.” -Dr. Amber Selking [04:59]“The modeling effect is the number one way that humans learn.” -Dr. Amber Selking [05:17]“Whatever experiences you can get under your belt, that are somehow connected to the dream, goals, and mission inside of your heart, do it. It won’t be wasted.” -Dr. Amber Selking [10:34]“If we are going to truly make greatness in our lives and in the world, we have to be able to experience different people and different cultures. Go get real experiences in your own life” -Dr. Amber Selking [12:53]<br/>
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Additional Links:Email Amber to book an engagement